Vellum Global Educational Services S.A. is one of the leading Information Technology Qualification providers in Europe.

Vellum Global Educational Services S.A. provides the chance to improve the accessibility of your hiring practices with ''International Diplomas in IT Skills''.
Vellum Global Educational Services S.A. is one of the leading Certification providers of Information Technology and Communication skills in Europe.

Special IT Skills
Certifies the competence in a wide spectrum of skills which are necessary for the effective use of the various applications of...
The Internet Applications Certificate is the first certificate for modern and necessary everyday applications for every internet user.
Health Workers
The IT Skills Health is the only specialized IT certificate for all officers and employees in the healthcare industry.
Verify the adequancy of knowledge skills and the ability of teaching.

AboutVellum Global Educational Services
“Vellum Global Educational Services S.A.”, due to the extensive experience it already possesses, offers official certifications that are already recognized by the European Ministries of Education with the primary objective of evaluating the interested parties.
About VellumExamination Centers
The exams are conducted at the Accredited Examination Centers of Vellum Global Educational Services. For more details about our Test Centers, please contact Vellum Customer Service.
The data of the modern era!
Did you know...
In the next 10 years, will blackboards, CDs, desks, books, degrees, cabinets, exhibition cards be obsolete?
21st century learning
International Diplomain IT Skills
Since the founding of our company, with the aim of distributing the International Diploma in IT Skills, we have made it clear to you that our certificates never expire!